Commercial Projects
Canyon Falls Middle School, Kelowna, BC
School District 23’s latest middle school is a model building for innovation and sustainability. Considered to be one of the greenest, most sustainable schools in Canada, Canyon Falls Middle School features a vertical closed loop geothermal system that provides year-round heating and cooling. Located near Geotility’s head office in Kelowna, Geotility is proud to have been the geoexchange contractor on this exciting project.
HNZ TopFlight (Canadian Helicopters), Penticton, BC
GeoTility is proud to be the design-build contractor for the Geoexchange system at the new TNZ TopFlight (Canadian Helicopters) facility in Penticton, which provides advanced helicopter training to many of the world’s Air Forces, with emphasis on mountain Terrain. The site is comprised of a school / administration building and large hangar.
Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, Los Angeles, CA
Geotility completed the installation of the vertical borefield at the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art in Los Angeles, California in 2019. A total of 705 boreholes drilled to 365 ft were installed beneath the footprint of this iconic building. Founded by philanthropist and filmmaker George Lucas and his wife, Mellody Hobson, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art will inspire current and future generations through the universal art of visual storytelling.
PCI Marine Gateway, Vancouver, BC
With over 49,000’ of vertical drilling, this development achieved LEED Gold equivalency. These towers boast over 820,000 SF of condos, rental, office and retail space and feature a closed loop geothermal system installed by Geotility.
Vandusen Gardens, Vancouver, BC
VanDusen Botanical Gardens is a LEED Platinum Certified project boasting high-energy efficient systems including a vertical ground heat exchanger connected to PV and solar systems. The building is fully Net Zero and is pursuing the Living Building Challenge.
Artist’s Rendering
Vancouver Firehall No. 17, Vancouver, BC
Vancouver Firehall 17 will be the second largest training hall for the Vancouver area once completed. It is intended to reach LEED Gold Certification and Passive House Certification upon completion in 2020.